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Your Daily Horoscope

First Decanate February 20 to March 1st Misunderstandings

Others often see you as a know-all, and no-one seems to share your opinion, even if it's obvious to you that you're right, or at least that's the impression you get. Accept their position, and refrain from continually offering them unsolicited advice. Take care of your physical well-being, a visit to the sauna, a massage or a good meal often works wonders.

Second Decanate March 2 to March 10 Emotional rollercoaster

You experience strong emotions and probably, are involved in far too many arguments and discussions. Keep a cool head, let your feelings go and run their natural course, making sure you don't display any negative feelings in a confrontational way. Your feelings exhaust you emotionally, calm down and take a little time for some reflection.

Third Decanate March 11 to March 20 Communication is key

If things don’t turn out exactly the way you expect, don’t over react instead be as diplomatic as you can and accept support when offered. Speak out, let your feelings be known, communicate more clearly with those closest to you otherwise they have no idea how things look from your perspective. Pay attention to your diet and get sufficient rest.